
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2015


Sufoof mughluz khaas
( Mohammad Saleem Shahzad, Sumra, Dunyapoor)
ھوالشافی: corchorus capsularis (Baho phuli) 50gm, touch me not (lajwanti) 50 gm, seeds of heteropogon contortus 50gm, convolvulus nervosa 50gm, seeds of  hygrophila auriculata 50gm, rumex maritmus 50gm, seeds of blepharis sindica 50gm, (tin carbona)kushsta qul’ee 10gm, khurasani oregano 10gm, sugar candy 800gm, grind and crush it. Sufoof mughluz is ready. Sometimes I add ispaghulla husk 200 gm, without ispaghulla husk, give sufoof mughluz 2/3 gm along milk in the morning and evening. Benefits:  Nightfall, gleet, oligospermia, infective semen, aphrodisiac, and increases timing.


Spiritual treatment of nightfall: a patient of nightfall should write (space for a Arabic text umar) with the right index finger on the heart. If he wakes up at night, he should write it again. inshAllah nightfall shall not occur.


Cure from gynaecological problems and flu: it is beneficial in excessive seminal discharge, excessive sweating and flu.


ھوالشافی: Datura stramonium black 1 tola, black pepper 2 tola, behmun white 2 tola, gum Arabic 2 tola, gum acasia 2 tola, crush and grind it and make pills the size of blackpepper. Apply silver paper over it. Afterwards, take one pill in the morning and evening. If it increases dryness, drink milk. Don’t take it for more than 10 days.


Special medicine for aches and pain: Following is a useful prescription without side effects for neurosis, physical weakness, backacke and leg pain, arthritis etc. prepare it and remember me and honourable hakeem sahib in your prayers.


ھوالشافی: Take Withonia somnifera (usgandhnagori), budhara (space for urdu text), bukhda (space for urdu text), dry ginger, kandahri almond without shell, dry coconut, dried grapes without seeds, crush peeled chilghoza in equal weight. Add honey 3 times the weight. Medicine is ready. Take 1 spoon along milk twice a day, morning and evening. It is useful and effective.


Digestive powder for low blood pressure
this prescription is given by hakeem hafiz Arshad sahib and is routinely used in his dispensary.


Nigella seeds 200gm, fenugreek seeds 200 gm, black pepper 100 gm, black rock salt 100gm, ammonium chloride 100gm. Grind crush them and make a powder. Medicinal powder is ready. Take 1 to 3 masha (1 masha equals 16grains) after food along water in the morning and evening. It is the best medicinal powder for flatulence, hypotension, and delayed digestion. Hypertensive patients should stay away from it.


Elixir for oligimenorrhea: ھوالشافی: Boil pulp of carrots 6 masha, pulp of raddish 3 masha, soya 3 masha, oregano 3 masha in 250ml water. When water reduces to a cup, take it off. Add shrbut khatoon shifa (Ubqari) 2 to 4 spoons and drink it in the morning and evening. Give it 4 days before the monthly cycle. InshaAllah it is the best remedy for oligomenorrhea and aches.


A bitter medicinal powder for cure from obesity: It curs obesity, purifies the blood, flatulance and inflammation. ھوالشافی: Black cumin, sweet cumin, nipaali churaita (a species of gention from Nepal), desi oregano ( a species of aniseed having the taste of caraway), soya, black rock salt, colocynth. Crush and make a powder. Give it 3 to 5 grams along water in the morning and evening. Note: Don’t add black rock salt when administered to hypertensive people.


Medicinal powder for weight loss: constipation, flatulence, anorexia, distension etc.  yellow skin of haleela( myrobalan fruit) 250gm, sweet cumin 250gm, colocynth 50gram, desi oregano 100gram, black pepper 50gram, mint 100gram, ammonium chloride 50gram, rose flower 50gram, black rock salt 50gram, mint essence 5gram. Crush grind and make a powder. Dosage: 3 to 5 gram along water in the morning and evening.


Prescription for diabetes: It is helpful for frequency in micturition, purification of blood, bladder tone, healing of diabetic ulcers and increases immunity from further ulcers. In short, many patients have been cured by it.


ھوالشافی: Dried bitter gourd 100gram, colocynth 60gram, pulp of black plum (jamun) 100gram,sparrow tongue tree 60gram,  cassia absus (chaksoo) 60gram, gymnema sylvestre herb 100gram, cinnamon 50gram, almond (peeled) from kandahar 100gram. Grind, crush and mix. Take 3 to 5gram times daily.


Diabetes (sugar)
(Haji Mohammad Waris, Rawalpindi)


The ayah from the holy quran for diabetics:


بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ۔ رَّبِّ اَدْخِلْنِیْ مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ وَّ اَخْرِجْنِیْ مُخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ وَّ اجْعَلْ لِّیْ مِنْ لَّدُنْکَ سُلْطٰنًا نَّصِیْرًا ﴿بنی
recite 3 times, braise over water and drink it. Bracket it with dorrod Shareef.


A tried herbal prescription for diabetes: curcuma zedouria (kachoor) one ounce, swertia, (churaita, a species of gentian)one ounce, colocynth 1 ounce, black pepper 32 grains.


Test sugar before starting the medicine. Crush the medicine in an earthen pot. Take half teaspoon of this medicine after food 3 times a day along water for 8 days. Test blood sugar after taking the medicine for 8days. If the sugar is still high, take the medicine for further 8days, twice a day. Dietary restriction: beef, rice, fried foods.


Information about Diabetes
Diabetes( sugar) was discovered in 1895.
The most effective medicine for this disease, insulin was discovered in 1930. patient feels lethargic, appetite decreases, feels weak, thirst increases, frequency of urine increases, itching occurs, the risk of skin infection and urinary problems increases, the latest invention is an artificial pancreas. Blindness, renal failure, paralysis of lower part of body, cardiac diseases. This disease is found in India, china, Malaysia, Australia, and japan. Intake of high calorie and high nutritional value diet. A balanced diet and excersize is the only way to prevent it. Diabetes can also be called a silent killer. Diabetes has spread in the whole world. Increase the intake of salads e.g, cucumber, radish, carrots and tomato. The biggest person is the one who served the largest number of peoplet. The number of diabetic patients has rose to almost 1 crore in Pakistan.


When suffering from loosened teeth and toothache:
respected Hakeem sahib Assalamo alaikum! I have tried remedy for treatment of toothache. When suffering from toothache or loosened tooth, apply it on the teeth for only 5 minutes and then gargle. Pyorrhea,Catechu acasia Arabica (kutha),Alum 50 grams each and then grind them. Mix and then use. InshaAllah there will be relief in a few days.( Amer Sultan Hashmi, Rawalpindi)


Diabetics can eat these things with pleasure: Arrowroot leaves, cabbage, okra and ridge gourd, green gourd, cauliflower, beans, ginger, mint, water, salad, white radish, eggplant, dry onion, tea, green tea, coffee (without sugar), pumpkin, European cucumber, cucumber, bitter gourd, caralluma, red chili, radish, lemon, green chili, green onion, meat (without fats), fish (not fried), chicken, minced meat, tomato, green coriander, spinach, saag, apple gourd, peas, turnip, salt, spices, vinegar, vinegar pickle, salted lassi ( a yogurt based drink), salted lemon water, jambolan, grewia, grapefruit, diet coke, diet seven up, sweeteners (tablets & powder) instead of sugar, apple, guava and melon.

A solution for problems and difficulties: It has been narrated byHazrat Ans  رضی اللہ عنہا that when the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was grieved due to some matter, he used to recite the following verse; یَاحَیُّ یَاقَیُّومُ بِرَحْمَتِکَ اَسْتَغِیْثُ

What is your BMI? (Principal Rd. Ghulam Qadir Hiraj, Jhang)

      BMI means Body Mass Index; it is an international formula that tells if someone has entered the limits of obesity or maintains standard weight

Many colorful and tasty tin foods are available from market, which contain additional preservatives and artificial colors, this food seems very attractive but it can cause allergy, skin spots, insomnia and itching. If you want to live long, do not let go near obesity. If someone carries 45 ponds extra than his standard weight he would probably lose 45% of his age. Due to obesity, the heart beat increases 40% in one minute. Such person has to work 3 months and 17 days extra in one year. Due to excess of work, the obese person’s age will decline. Excessive use of the following things may cause obesity: sweets, beverages, jam, jelly, mango, grapes, mulberry, pineapple, tin fruits, custard, roasted or fried foods, ice cream, candies, toffees, cream cake, pastries, biscuits, rice, nuts, bread, potatoes, butter, ghee, excess of sugar, excess of salt, bones’ pulp….in addition overeating, laziness and no exercise also cause obesity. If due to some reason, someone does not get time for walk, he should reduce his diet. Following is the formula to know your BMI:

Weight (in kg) Height (in meters) = BMI

If your BML is between 20 and 25, your weight is normal and you are not suffering obesity.

If the BMI is 26 to 29.9, it means you are in the first stage of obesity.

If it is 40 or above this, it means you are the victim of fatal obesity!

Akbar’s weight is 75kg and his height is 1.5meter, what would be his BMI?

1.5 X 1.5 = 33.3kg per square meter

Akbar’s BMI is 33.3kg per square meter, so he is severely obese.

Remember! If your BMI is 26 or above this level, the following fiends are ready to welcome you and can attack you any time: heart diseases, high blood pressure, respiratory disturbances, diabetes, high cholesterol, stones in gallbladder, hepatic failure, complications in surgery or operation, clustering of irregular substances in the blood, complications of pregnancy, umbilical hernia, cancer in large intestine, swelling of large intestine, hemorrhoids, cervical cancer, rise in uric acid, dermatitis, intolerance for heat, skin rash and inflammation.

      Strategies to avoid obesity: Dodaily walk, walk briskly at least for as many minutes as your age is, make exercise your routine, take fats, sugar and sweets in appropriate limits, take zero fats in your diet. Take carbohydrate diet; make fibrous foods a part of your schedule. Avoid roasted and fried things as much as possible. Eat slowly and chew well, do not take the next bite until the first one is swallowed. Do not eat unless you are really hungry and stop eating before your stomach is full. Avoid brisk walking or running immediately after meal. Use sugar (commonly known as white poison) and salt in a moderate limit. Take one glass of lukewarm water, with half lemon juice and one table spoon honey daily. Eat roasted corn kernels and maize bread (chapatti) in abundance, eat fenugreek saag. For more details, read Hazrat Hakim Sahib’s برکاتہم دامت   masterpiece composition on, “Motapay say nijat, Ilaj Nabvi aur Jdeed Science”. For quick results, you can use Hazrat Hakim Sahib’s   برکاتہم دامت“Motapa Nijat Course”.

      Diagnostic symptoms and favorable foods:

      With reference to Al Qadria Tibiya College Aastan Fazal Sargodha, diagnostic symptoms of different blood groups and suitable diets are presented for you…

 1: Blood group A+

Temperament: cold wet. Taste: dull. Color: bluish white. Affected areas: right half, all diseases from head till shoulder like right ear, teeth, nose, throat, neck, tremor, overflowing moisture, night blindness (nyctalopia), leprosy, mucus, laziness, headache, stammer, nerve palsy, amnesia, cataract, hearing loss, measles, anemia and lack of appetite, deafness, delirium and epilepsy.

Favorable foods: Beef (cow, buffalo), mutton (sheep), rabbit, fish, millet, maize, gram flour bread, barley, white lentil (mash), mung beans/lentil, cabbage, radish pods, bauhinia, beans, red beets, tomato, onion, potato, sugar beets, black berry (jamun), apple, Japanese plum (loquat), peanuts, grewia (falsa), pears, persimmon (Japanese fruit), gooseberry preserve.

2: Blood group B- and AB- 

Temperament: dry cold. Taste: citrus. Color: reddish white. Affected areas: all diseases from right bladder till liver like shoulder, arm, lungs, ribs, respiratory tubes, fast heartbeat, skinniness, flatulence and excessive dryness, constipation, dry pneumonia, lungs’ infection, asthma, hiccups, gastroenteritis, scabies, diphtheria, stammer, arthritis, glaucoma, kidney pain.

Favorable foods: Roasted beef (cow, buffalo), mutton (sheep, goat), gut (stomach), bird meat, kebabs, grams, fritters (pkoray), gram lentil, wheat and gram flour chapatti, bitter gourd, caralluma fimbriata (chong), spinach, green chickpeas, tomato, raisins, chilgoza, coconut, dry dates, sweet peaches.

3: Blood group B+ and AB+

Temperament: hot dry. Color: yellowish red. Affected areas: all diseases from liver till right foot like shrinking of muscles, fluids loss, excessive dryness, blood pressure, excessive flatulence, severe constipation, melancholic depression, sciatic pain, right liver and blood hemorrhoids, heart palpitation, paralysis in lower parts of body, kidney pain, rise in uric acid, nocturnal ejaculation, blood disorders, menorrhagia, hernia, ulcer, hysteria, cancer, urinary blockage.

Favorable foods: Mutton, duck and other birds’ meat, egg yolk, masoor (red) lentil, salt, pepper and gram flour chapatti, saag, arugula, mustard seeds, fenugreek, mustard, green chickpeas, mulberry, black mulberry, dates, figs, mango, mint.

4: Blood group O+

Temperament: hot dry. Color: reddish yellow. Affected areas: from left head till bladder like half left, brain, cheeks, eyes, ears, teeth, mandible, shrinking of liver, seizures, migraine, heart enlargement, madness, eye, ear and mandible pain, epistaxis (nosebleed), cough, hectic fever, insomnia, intestinal worms, premature ejaculation.

Favorable foods: Meat (sheep, lamb, goat), apple gourd with zucchini, egg dumpling cooked in desi ghee, mung lentil, roghni naan with sesame, wheat bread, ginger, garlic, zucchini, saag, purslane, turnip, sweet grapes, dates, Armenian cucumber, (turmeric, dried ginger powder and black pepper as spices).

5: Blood group O-

Temperament: hot wet. Taste: salty. Color: whitish yellow. Affected areas: all diseases from left arm till spleen like arm, lung, urticarial, respiratory tube, spleen, intestinal inflammation, severe diarrhea, urinary inflammation, gonorrhea, ringworm, abscesses, leucorrhoea, blood in spool, right side paralysis, high blood pressure, pleurisy.

Favorable foods: Brain, siri paya, sheep, goat and lamb meat, milk (cow, goat), cream, butter, desi ghee, porridge, vermicelli, white lentil (mash), dumpling (semolina, tapioca), wheat chapatti, sattu (parched and ground barley) custard, khichri, sweet pumpkin, carrot, sweet gourd, radish, pistachio, almonds, peach, guava, melon, cantaloupe, banana, sugar-apple.

6: Blood group A-

Temperament: hot wet. Taste: sweet. Color: yellowish white. Affected areas: all diseases from spleen till left foot like spleen, pancreas, rectum, kidney, bladder, obesity, left sexual organ, body swelling, leucorrhea, frequent urination, sugar, spermatorrhea, diarrhea, menstrual problems, syphilis, left side paralysis.

Favorable foods: Egg white water, biryani, rice, psyllium husk, tapioca pudding, wheat chapatti, white sorghum, okra, zucchini, taro, bottle gourd, apple gourd, pumpkin, long melon, orange, litchi, grapefruit, fruiter, water melon, galia melon, green coriander, Armenian cucumber, radish leaves, cucumber, red beet and dry coriander in spices.

Note: According to the research ofSargodha University Food Technology Department, the following nutrients are required for different blood groups as per their suitable weather and foods:


Blood Group

Suitable Weather

Food Nutrients


A-, A+


Zinc, magnesium


O-, O+




B-, B+




AB-, AB+



Strange and useful prescriptions of Calotropis (Milkweeds)


To treat rabid dog’s bite: Give one quarter (of a kg) calotropis milk; one quarter (of a kg) leaf water and one quarter (of a kg) thistles (false daisy) to the patient so that he vomits.

Snuff for headache and cold: Dry calotropis leaves in shade, put them in a closed earthen pot, burn in 2-3 kg dried cow dung cakes and preserve in a bottle. The snuff is ready to use.

To treat pain in the ear: Take some yellow calotropis leaves, clean them, apply ghee and heat on fire. When the leaves shrink, rub them with palm and squeeze their water in the ear. Pain will be removed.

To treat deafness:  Following the above mentioned method, preserve the leaves’ water in a bottle. A few days’ use will treat deafness.

Tablets to treat cough: Green calotropis leaves have fine fur on them, detach it with a knife and make small tablets like the size of millet grains. Give to the patient in the morning and evening and also give a betel-leaf after the tablet.

To remove chronic cough and asthma: Take two calotropis cloves daily, increase one after a week and keep eating up to ten cloves daily. The disease will recover shortly, in sha Allah.

To treat snake bite: keep applying calotropis milk drops on the bitten area till it absorbs, discontinue when it stops absorbing.

To treat scorpion bite: Soak calotropis leaf in sesame oil and tie on the affected area, also give calotropis seed to chew.

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